Guided Ice Fishing Tours
Salmon Fishing On The Platte River
Cisco Fishing

Beautiful View of Saginaw Bay Ice Fishing


Catching Walleye on Saginaw Bay

Fishing Report

News and information about the ice fishing conditions of Saginaw Bay and the Saginaw River, and other fishing news from around Michigan.

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Fish caught while ice fishing


The Walleye King has extensive knowledge of ice fishing on Saginaw Bay and Saginaw river and many parts of Northern Michigan.

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Walleye King Ice Fishing Guide Pricing

Guide Pricing

Ice fishing guide package prices varies on what you are looking for, we offer a wide variety of guide packages to choose from.

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What to Bring when ice fishing on Saginaw Bay

What to Bring

There are an assortment essentials you should bring on your next ice fishing trip, we outline the supplies and gear you should bring with you.

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Latest News

Ice conditions on Saginaw Bay are lots of snow on top. Going to make a challenge for quads with slush pockets n drifts, so winches are helpful in case u get stuck. The ice is over 15 inches, there’s 2 cracks out there now n both seem pretty tight for now. But look for best places to cross. Just don’t venture North by pinconning rd where the ice has blown out a couple times n has thin ice covered with snow, so if u stay to the south it seems good. Been to the spark plug a few times and we been getting slab perch out there, long run on quads. I’ve had great groups of guys so far and I’m very thankful for them and the great memories made. I Didn’t take enough pictures as there has been a good night bite and by time we get back it’s very late n I’m tired and just trying to get everything cleaned up for the next a.m, n go to bed, to do it all over again, so I wish I had taken more of our catches. Had some customers get their Personal Bests through the ice so always excited for them. And always happy for first timers out on the Bay as every time out is an adventure for all of us and I’m thankful that we all get back safely because it’s not a given out there as anything can n will happen when you’re out on Big Water like this. Do jiggers have been working, small rapalas like size 1 or 3- fire tiger, coffin lures glow. Wonder bread do jigger glow, gold with orange lightening bolt . ... See MoreSee Less
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What a absolute beautiful evening on the bay last night. The fish seem to move every day. I find them one day n next they are gone, But I used no shanty and just old schooled bucketed it. The winds died down at 5:00pm and set up a beautiful full moon evening. The picture with the moon it was dark out, and the full moon lit up the whole bay. The crack opened up on Sunday n it’s about 4 feet wide but when I came in last night it looked frozen shut and with last nights temp of clear skies n next couple days of low temps my hope is that it freezes shut for good. Ice is around 14-15 inches so once you’re over the crack plenty of ice is out there. 🎣 ... See MoreSee Less
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I just went for a fun ride on bay for a little pre Super Bowl fun and seen 2 old POS sleds broken down out there and abandoned. This is why for my tag alongs I ask what year machines you have n what .cc for quads as i don’t want this happening in my group when we go out. I get b*tched at when i say no to some tag alongs but this is why. I will usually have full service clients with me so tag alongs need good machines. ... See MoreSee Less
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